Friday 30 March 2012

Business Help: How easy is it to sell ?

In the turmoil that goes on around us at present , it is easy to assume that many businesses want and need help.The reality is , that there is evidence that things are so difficult for business owners , concern is growing , that paying for help may make the situation worse.
Perfectly understandable , but business is about taking risk , and as a newly practicing business mentor , the task is to convince owners of the relevance of the experience one has , in context with the business in question.
The key to that is to be in the business and to understand the dynamics of a business then prescribe suggested improvements which by the results define the value of the advice.
There is a process of assessment that is tried and tested which is a simple audit , going through a business phsychometric test , arriving at a conclusion about where the focus should be to improve the business.
Business is either growing or subsiding , it cannot possibly stand still. Where would you say you are today and what are your measures ??